Restore BQ Aquaris X / X PRO using BQ firmware flash tool 3.0.4 from Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 (only if mobile phone turns on and without .json file to unlock the bootloader)

****NEWS: If you are on Ubuntu 18.04 you don't need to do anything of this, the packages that system installs works perfectly, so you only have to follow the bq tutorial steps. As in the last Ubuntu version flash tool from bq is not compatible, I have fixed it to make it functional in 18.04/Linux Mint 19: Download (It's the same for both phones)

Hello, as Im using linux and saw we couldn't do the hard reset without the .json file (because fastboot in ubuntu from official repositories is an old versión and doesn't allow the fastboot flashing unlock/lock_critical command) I found the way to update the programs and use the bq firmware flash tool as done in windows.

1. Install the Ubuntu version of BQ firmware flash tool from the original website:

You can download it from here using the first option:

*Install the .deb as you want, in my case i used GDebi, but you can use the Ubuntu Software Center or the terminal, in two first cases all the dependencies will be or should be satisfied (including the android tools: adb & fastboot, if not, install it from terminal using "sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot"

2. Once installed the bq flash tool 3.0.4, don't launch it, or if not, while doing the process you will obtain the following error:

3. To solve this, we need to replace the fastboot and adb version installed in the first step with the latest command line tools downloaded from android sdk, to simplify this, I have packed the files into a zip, download this:

Decompress the two files to a folder, for example the desktop and in a terminal copy this command: "which adb && which fastboot", you will get the directory where fastboot and adb are installed in your system, something like this:

4. Open nautilus as root ("sudo nautilus") and go to that directory if you are using Ubuntu, or if using Linux Mint go to the directory and with a right click "Open with administrator privileges". Now copy the two files downloded in the 3rd step (copied previously to the Desktop folder) and replace these two programs in the opened folder ("/usr/bin" in my case). Done! Now BQ firmware flashtool will be able to open bootloader automatically and reflash to stock your terminal every time we need it, such we would do in Windows.

P.d. With this latest versions, we will be able to do "fastboot flashing unlock/lock_critical" from terminal too.


  1. Hello, sorry for the late reply. This tutorial is only to unlock bootloader having previously activated "OEM unlock" under developper options, so if this hasn't been carried out, this won't work for you . In your situation, if you can only access to fastboot mode and not to recovery, and having locked the "OEM unlock" option. The only way to restore your phone is getting the .json file directly from BQ, I would program a free call using their support website, requesting it. Once obtained, I would use the flash tool program.

    BQ support website:

  2. Hello, did you receive this unlock file ??.
    Please send me. I have the same problem with unlocking. BQ requests purchase invoices from me.
    Best regards and thanks for your help.
    My mail:

    1. Hi, I request months ago the unlock file for my phone, but it's a custom file for each mobile, so mine's not going to work with your phone. To get this unlock file, you don't need to provide invoices to anyone, put in contact with BQ in twitter and ask for .json file, give them the model and serial number of your phone and they should ask for an email to send you your personal .json.

      Good luck and comment if it is useful to you :)

  3. O.K .. Thanks for the information. And how did you find BQ on twitter? Under what name? I search and I can't find.
    Can you help me?. Thanks in advance for your help. Best regards.

    1. Under @bqreaders.

      You can contact them here:

  4. Hello, my friend. I contacted BQ and received a .json file for my phone. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but this file won't unlock my phone. I downloaded the BQ firmware flash tool, connect the phone to the computer, the Flash tool detects my phone, I provide the .json file and nothing. The program starts and after a second message pops up to unlock the phone then you need to enter the file. I give him nothing again. It's always like this. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm asking for tips and advice. How did you deal with it. Thank you for your help

    1. Hello, which Ubuntu version are you using? Have you tried with the modified program I did?. I mean this one!RAx3HYoB!LMgUCvsYCvWe-zPV7BeRzHIOtkWBwwY8MS-RbAztNaU

      If file doesn't unlock your phone, maybe you give them a bad serial number, or maybe you just have the bootoader unlocked and you don't know, when .json is used, phone restart (no bootloader screen appears) with bootloader unlocked, you can check it connecting phone to your computer and using "fastboot oem device-info" command from a terminal (copy and paste it here in the comments so I can take a look)

  5. Hello, my system is windows 8 pro

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

    C:\Users\marcin>fastboot oem device-info
    < waiting for device >
    (bootloader) Device tampered: false
    (bootloader) Device unlocked: false
    (bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false
    (bootloader) Charger screen enabled: true
    (bootloader) Display panel:
    OKAY [ 0.062s]
    finished. total time: 0.078s


    1. Ok, I see you don't have bootloader unlocked, are you sure you give the correct serial number of your device to bq? could you check it?. If it is correct and that's the correct ".json", my advice is to try installing Ubuntu 18.04 (or running it in live mode) and install the modified bq flash tool program I did, I'm sure it will work.

  6. Hello, thanks for the reply. And where can I download your program from?
    Androud starts, nothing can be seen on the screen

    1. You can download it from here (read the upper part of this post, where ****NEWS is written):!RAx3HYoB!LMgUCvsYCvWe-zPV7BeRzHIOtkWBwwY8MS-RbAztNaU

    2. Have you tried to do a factory reset from the recovery before doing a hard reset? I think it can fix your problem. To do a factory reset you have to shut down your phone, hold volume up button and press power button until phone turns on, then release the power button but keep holding volume up, you will see the recovery and you'll be able to do the factory reset from there. If it doesn't work, try what you were going to try (I mean the hard reset using ubuntu and my flashtool modified program)

  7. Hello, it took me a bit but I installed UBUNTU. However, it's the same with your program. I am providing the .json file but nothing. The program starts and after a second calls again for a file. I point and continue, nothing again. What else can I do. What commands in the terminal with fastboot and adb ?. This reset does not work. My phone turns on but I can't see anything on the screen (dark gray screen). I uploaded my BQ Aquaris plus soft with BQ U2 and it happened. the phone gets up but the black screen is not visible.

    Please help me.

    1. What do you mean when saying "I uploaded my BQ Aquaris plus soft with BQ U2 and it happened"?

      I think your .json is incorrect, are you sure you gave to bq the correct serial number? Try to contact them again on twitter and explain your situation. Check the serial number and model you gave them.

  8. Hello, I don't know how I did it, but I downloaded the Aquaris U2 soft instead of my UPlus. the update was successful. But after this surgery. the phone has an inactive screen. backlight only. black screen. Can not see anything. When I connect a phone to BQ Flash, it recognizes the serial number I send them. But the json file doesn't work. Maybe you can help me unlock blootloader in ubuntu. What commands should be entered on the command line? Maybe it can be unlocked. Best regards and counting on your help.


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